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  LOSV server
  Chit Chat & Off Topic GI 1Friday, 06 Nov 2020 21:20
  Chit Chat & Off Topic GI 2Monday, 05 Nov 2018 20:50
  Line of Sight: Vietnam site is complete
  Announcements EDIS 0Friday, 03 Mar 2017 19:58
  Welcome belzs!
  Welcome to the site EDIS 0Friday, 10 Feb 2017 14:46
  Welcome spikemtz
  Welcome to the site EDIS 0Tuesday, 07 Feb 2017 15:00

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LOSV server
ip address changed
1 48852 GI
Posted by: EDIS
Pages on site unreadable
2 30726 GI
Posted by: GI
Line of Sight: Vietnam site is complete
Line of Sight: Vietnam fan page is finally finished
0 8392 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
Welcome belzs! 0 6417 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
Welcome spikemtz 0 2171 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
Tunngle Guide for LOSV
How to join LOSV servers on Tunngle
0 6317 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
Might be the end of it... this time it seems to be serious 3 5997 SHADOW
Posted by: SHADOW
Happy B-Day to Shadow! 1 6020 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Happy B-Day to Roca! 1 2125 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Happy B-Day to Edis! 1 2914 SHADOW
Posted by: EDIS
Server download 1 3518 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Banlist [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Master Banlist for LOSV
50 17060 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
LOSV and other games 2 7155 EDIS
Posted by: EDIS
hi all mans
hi all mans
1 11299 LordBasoff
Posted by: EDIS
Roca! 2 5420 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Greetings! 1 9855 EDIS
Posted by: Mijail
Fixing DM maps 12 5103 BlueNight
Posted by: EDIS
xfire Losv plugin on Win7 0 2399 SHADOW
Posted by: SHADOW
Mijail! 3 3336 EDIS
Posted by: Mijail
ROCA! 6 2310 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Shadow! 3 2410 EDIS
Posted by: SHADOW
Happy B-Day DaniloV! 3 2249 EDIS
Posted by: Paula
Happy B-Day EDIS! 2 2038 SHADOW
Posted by: EDIS
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