Welcome to the Line of Sight: Vietnam fan page. Enjoy your stay!
***Important Notice***
This was once the website of the "embattl3D" community (embattl3d.com; embattled.ucoz.com) and the EMBATTLED Clan. If you have registered with us in the past - your old Log-In credentials should work.
If you have any difficulties signing in please use the "Lost Password" feature. You can find it on your right on the Authorisation block and below the Login button. Alternatively, please use the Contact Us form to get assistance from administrators.
If you have any difficulties signing in please use the "Lost Password" feature. You can find it on your right on the Authorisation block and below the Login button. Alternatively, please use the Contact Us form to get assistance from administrators.
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Line of Sight: Vietnam site is complete
Line of Sight: Vietnam fan page is finally finished.
Please check out the downloads section which includes: LOSV Missions, LOSV Maps, LOSV Mods, LOSV Patches, LOSV Fixes and LOSV Trial version. NEW FILES ADDED DAILY.LOSV and gaming related updates and news are posted in forums, but there is a lot more like pictures, videos and other goodies on this site.
LOSA Server Online
If anyone wants to play some missions this server is on most of the time.
LOSV Server v1.03 COOP, IP: (IP will change from time to time)You can copy and paste the above IP address into the server IP field using keys ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
Reminder: Gamespy has shut down servers for many old games (including LOSV) in 2014. That is why servers dont show on the server list anymore.
Line of Sight: Vietnam fan site is up and running!
e-3D is back
1-10 11-14