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Shadow's movie

Well finally I uploaded my gameplay video. I did it only now because it was Huge and my connection was slow, moreover uploaded video used to be in a very low quality so it was imposibe to watch. Now its better so here it is! A secret of our famous LOSV playing is open for you! Go and check it happy .
Gamepaly video made in the beggining of 2008, Map - base, Type - DM FFA, Player Shadow (Major of ***E*** clan back then), only 1st person view. It is not edited so it may look boring... but thats how it was - reall gamepaly.

It was hard to play then... huge lag... very very slow game even though game setting were set to low angry ... freezing (I did it with my old crappy PC sad ) so I was carefull, played with less risk... etc still I made this score 70 kills and 4 deaths smile Note that I was using Headphones so I was able to tell the dirrection of the sounds, I know the map VERY vell etc.

Shadow movie

For more details go to "Discussion" LOSV section

Category: Information | Added by: SHADOW (13 Jan 2010) |

Views: 1721 | Comments: 5 | Rating: 5.0/2
Total comments: 5

OK video is on youtube! cool Go to Vid's section and enjoy wacko

well as I said... I did it 1 time.. long time ago, but the quality was so poor that it was imposible to watch... I uploaded on xfire only because I wanted to see how it would look. What can I say.. I was surprised.. it looked really ns (if we forget about quality looses in compression). Now Im expecting that youtube has improved as well and videos will be good enough to watch it.

3 EDIS  
youtube is a soluton. i was wonderin y havent u done it before uploading to xfire.

1 EDIS  
nice movie. u had a damn lag against ya, but 30 mins past so fast, didnt even started to be bored. well done, i can c skills u got, it means ur movie serves to the purpose - show wot u got.

However not all can see it. I checked it from another PC and found that there is somekind of problem... angry
Ill try to solve it out later, cause now Im a bit bussy. I ll try to upload it on YouTube maybe.

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