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The next stage 

The first stage of the "Best uCoz Website" contest is finished. The embattl3D has successsfuly passed it and is No 94 comparing to hundreds of other sites.

Added by: EDIS, 21 Oct 2010 | View: 1290 | Comments: 0


Hello hello soldiers, do u copy?
As u can c wer not sleeping here (that would b a bit difficult as normally the most of the people sleep in bed not site...n since that moment u get slept ur obviously offline, u cannt be surfing internet if ur not online... Anyway wot im tryin 2 say is - im goin 2 sleep later).

Added by: EDIS, 08 Aug 2010 | View: 1410 | Comments: 1

Linkin Park / Medal of Honor Teaser Trailer (HD) 

Developed in collaboration with U.S. Special Operations soldiers, Medal of Honor brings an authenticity and realism unmatched by any other game on the market.

Added by: EDIS, 06 Aug 2010 | View: 1326 | Comments: 5


Linkin Park is gettin in to the 3D action with their newest single "The Catalyst" (Album "A Thousand Suns") n the EA games newest product.
Its a great work by LP n EA in my opinion.


Added by: EDIS, 04 Aug 2010 | View: 1505 | Comments: 3
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